Julian Baggini
United Kingdom

Philosopher and author
Julian Baggini is the author, co-author or editor of over 20 books including A Short History of Truth, Freedom Regained, The Ego Trick, The Edge of Reason and most recently How the World Thinks: A Global History of Philosophy.
He has written for numerous newspapers and magazines, as well as for the think tanks The Institute of Public Policy Research, Demos and Counterpoint. He has also appeared as a character in two Alexander McCall-Smith novels. His website is https://www.microphilosophy.net
He was the founding editor of The Philosophers’ Magazine and has a PhD on the philosophy of personal identity.
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Talks, conversations and panels
Inconvenient ideas and how to disagree
Tom Switzer, Jodie Ginsberg, Juilan Baggini, Stan Grant
Rec. 26 Oct 2018
The role of reason in a fractious society
Julian Baggini
26 Oct 2018