Gaia Grant

Company director, author, researcher and consultant
Gaia is the co-founder and managing director of Tirian International Consulting, and the author of a number of books including the breakthrough new book The Innovation Race: How to change a culture to change the game, along with international bestseller Who Killed Creativity?… And How Can We Get it Back?: Seven essential strategies for making yourself, your team and your organisation more innovative. Gaia is also a lecturer and doctoral researcher at the University of Sydney Business School, and she has been involved in helping to create a culture of innovation at a range of organisations including top companies worldwide for over 20 years.
Through her company Gaia has been involved in introducing future-solutions thinking for better community integration at Google’s headquarters in the US; designing a workshop on sustainable solutions for emerging markets at Nestlé in Switzerland; preparing teams for the future of the hospitality industry at the Four Seasons Hotels in Canada; and creating compelling marketing ideas for Disney in Hong Kong. She has also researched, designed and delivered long-term innovation culture solutions for a number of not-for-profit organisations, including assisting with working on innovative solutions for an organisation that supports impoverished farmers in Indonesia. Gaia and her partner have authored more than 30 corporate educational resources, simulations and programs used by Fortune 500 companies and sold under license globally.
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