A. C. Grayling CBE | Integrity 20’18
Political Morality
Do we still know what we mean by the cliché expression ‘liberal democracy’? Around the world, from the US to Australia, the so-called ‘Westminster model’ on which many democracies are based is facing strains that show how much the constitutional underpinnings of that model need reform and refreshment.
Using John Stuart Mill’s concept of ‘constitutional morality’ A. C. Grayling argues for the minimum conditions that any workable constitution requires to be genuinely democratic in a world of increasing challenges.
Integrity 20’18 |
Length 0:47:50
Filmed 25 Oct 2018
Venue Conservatorium Theatre
Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
South Bank, Brisbane
A. C. GRAYLING is a Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne’s College, Oxford. He is also the author of over thirty books of philosophy, biography, history of ideas, and essays.