Advisory board


Professor Susan Forde, Acting Dean (Academic), Arts, Education and Law, Griffith University.

Ethics and Integrity Advisor

Professor Charles Sampford, Director, The Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law, Griffith University.


Ms Madonna King, Author, speaker and commentator.

Mr Victor Perton, Principal – Victor Perton Global Partners.

Ms Rhiannon Phillips, Director and Convenor, Integrity 20, Griffith University.

Mr Luke Stegemann, Writer and cultural historian, Hispanist.

Dr Robyn Stokes, Stokes, Strategy and Research.

Mr Greg Vickery AO, Chair Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Special Counsel – Norton Rose Fulbright Australia.

Past chair

Professor Paul Mazerolle, former Pro Vice Chancellor, Arts, Education and Law. Chair and Co-Convenor, Integrity 20 (2014 – June 2019).